

Regular price $5.25 Sale

1 Card Pack @ $5.25

5 Card Pack @ $26.00

10 Card Pack @ $51.50

25 Card Pack @ $127.50 

50 Card Pack @ $252.50

100 Card Pack @ $500.00

Card Interior: Blank

Card Back: "Life can entangle and ensnare us. creating a barrier to the things that enrich our lives. If we allow love to pour out and have faith that God is able to change those gnarled sharp and wiry parts of our hearts. We will see those restrictions turn into a rose of beauty and blessing."

(Free Standard Shipping with Any Purchase $30.00 or More)

These high quality paper cards come pre-folded, packed in cello sleeves for 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 Pack and includes a white envelope for each card. Works well with regular ballpoint pens after short drying time.

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